A professional headshot of Branko, a skilled web scraping developer, specializing in data extraction and analysis.

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Web Scraping Developer

A skilled Python developer specializing in data extraction and web scraping. Transforming raw data into valuable insights with precision and efficiency. Doing what I love with joy.

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About Me


Hi, I’m Branko, a skilled Python developer with a passion for data extraction and web scraping. Web scraping is a valuable technique for extracting important information from the internet, helping businesses and individuals make decisions based on precise and current data. I have always wanted to work with data. Ever since chat bots and AI became popular, my interest in data has grown even more from realizing that such software was trained on massive amounts of data. Everything about data makes me happy. I approach this with great enthusiasm. I specialize in providing web scraping services customized to meet the unique needs of my clients. Whether you require custom scripts or pre-extracted data, I deliver precise and efficient solutions. With my expertise, I ensure that the data you receive is accurate and tailored to your specific needs. If you’re looking to leverage the power of data for your business, reach out and send me a message at branko.contact@proton.me . I’m here to help you unlock valuable insights and achieve your goals.

In my free time, I enjoy riding my bike, reading books, and, of course, scraping the web.

How I Work

An experienced Python developer with over 200 projects completed in web scraping and data extraction. The first step in data extraction is to investigate the technologies that were used for building the website, check for bots protection, estimate the data volume, and determine if the project is large scale. For most projects, I use Scrapy, a powerful Python framework for web scraping and web crawling. It’s fast and built for large-scale projects. For dynamic content, I use headless browsers like Selenium or Playwright. I also love the Scrapy-Playwright combination. The approach can vary depending on the specific requirements and complexities of the project. For dynamic websites, I typically handle API requests by checking the network tab, using tools like Requests to intercept them and fetch the data. I use Pandas for data manipulation, Tesseract for converting images of text into machine-readable text (Optical Character Recognition), and I work with both relational databases like MySQL and SQLite3, as well as non-relational databases like MongoDB. Here are some of the Python libraries and tools I use; there are many more not listed. I transform raw data into valuable insights and provide customized solutions to meet client needs.

What I Do

Web Scraping

Unlock your business's potential.

Data Preparation

A key to your business's success.

Data Export

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HackerNews Scraper

This project extract data from a hackernews website using Scrapy, a Python web crawling framework. It employs two spiders: Spider1 gathers key information from the main page, while Spider2 navigates through linked pages to collect detailed comments data about all articles. The extracted information are stored in a MySQL database.


This Python script demonstrates a powerful way for scraping data from the API endpoint of an e-commerce intersport website. Is particularly useful for fetching product information from the API endpoint of dynamic websites built with JavaScript. This script efficiently saves data to both a JSON file and a MongoDB database.

Yahoo Finance Stock Scraper

This project showcases a very simple web scraping script written in Python, utilizing the BeautifulSoup library to extract data from Yahoo Finance's most active stocks page. It includes Pandas for data manipulation, saving the extracted information to a CSV file, and logging to track the process, while also storing the data in a SQLite database.

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Export Data in Formats


Comma-Separated Values


JavaScript Object Notation


Microsoft Excel Format

For other formats, please contact me for custom arrangements.

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I'm Available For Freelancer Projects

Please feel free to contact me to discuss about your project. The pricing may vary depending on the complexity of the project.

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